Monday, November 28, 2011


Or- how my soul simultaneously blooms and stills.

I have recently become quite taken with essential oils; aromatherapy if you will.  Peppermint, lavender, rosemary, Frankincense, Myrrh... you know, the usual suspects.  Each have their own purpose; each have their own reason.  Then there is one called Jatamansi.  It's a fairly unusual oil, introduced to me by my beautiful, wonderful, harmonious yogini.  So if you ever get the chance to have a sniff, have a sniff.

It smells terrible.  I mean, it is not an appealing scent at all.  However, when I get a whiff of it, I feel like I have finally met my soul mate.  I literally can feel my spirit, my heart, the very essence of my being both calm and blossom under the effect of that scent.  Why it has this effect on me, I can't say... but it does, it absolutely does.  My hectic brain and scattered world comes to a grinding halt and suddenly I feel at peace and whole and right. I have been trying to describe this effect to myself and to others with little success until I realized that the key point is that all of this happens at once.  At the same split second.  Stillness and overwhelming vibrant blooming.

Cheers, Friends.

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