Sunday, November 13, 2011

November Dark

It is my favorite kind of day.  Dark, low clouds; cool weather; leaves rustling in the chill wind.  This is the fall, this is November.  I sit inside looking completely ridiculous in fake-Uggs, leggings, and a tunic- the clues that I have just finished yoga.  But at least I am meditative and mellow, a good thing for me these days.

The dark of autumn differs from that of any other season.  It rolls in quietly, almost politely... and then it sits, changing its manners to become almost sinister in a way.  It surrounds everything, subtly reminding us that the cold, long winter months are on their way.  It hangs, looms, not brutally cold just yet, but getting there.  Oh autumn, my dear friend.

Autumn, as I have blogged before, is a time for introspection and preparation.  Time to make plans and break plans and plan for survival.  Some of my plans I am particularly excited about- about others I am petulantly and childishly less than excited.  But survival is on my mind today, it has been on my mind for several days, to be honest.  And not just survival in general but how to survive and how to grow; how to turn the need to survive into the want to survive.  Wanting to make it is so much more imperative than needing to make it.  If you don't want it, you probably won't get it.

Which is a bit scary when it comes to survival.

But it is November, and I am okay.

Much love and autumn cheer, Friends.

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