Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Night of Hecate

If you have never tried psycho-analyzing yourself- you should.  Seriously, give it a go.  Today I wrote the following sentence in a journal designated to chart my course through healing: 'Perhaps my empty body reflects my empty spirit?  Perhaps I punish my body for what I feel my soul lacks?'

Ah yes.  You never know what you'll discover about yourself when you sit back, psycho-analyze, and write.

Anywho, tonight is the Night of Hecate.  For those of you who are wondering, Hecate is the Goddess of femininity and the path of life- she embodies the sacred trinities of Maiden, Mother, and Crone; Mind, Body, and Spirit; Birth, Life, and Death.  If you watch movies about witches, or television series about the same, you often hear her name invoked during rituals.  It's because she's a damn strong presence in the Earth.  Damn Strong.  Her celebrations generally take place at the crossroads- symbolic of decision-making and change.  Light a candle, thank the goddess for her presence along your own particular life path, and start making decisions.

For me this is an important moment.  I'm always all about intuition- knowing when the time is right... to throw away the necklace, to burn the letters, to be braver than the day before- and if there is one thing to intuit about the Night of Hecate it's that my time as Death should be coming to a close.  It is time to make decisions and changes that will lead to Life.  I'm not quite ready for Birth yet.  But Life is important.

And when you have the kind of weeks I have had- the kind of day I have had- you sometimes need to see that in writing.  It does not really matter how obvious a statement it truly is.  Life is Important.

Sit back, psycho-analyze, and write.  Because Life is Important.  And it's important to know what you are doing with it.

Until next time... I wish you all a power-filled Night of Hecate and Good Crossroads.  Cheers, Friends.

1 comment:

  1. Save this stuff. Write a book. Seriously. Cheers to you, your journey, your honesty, your creativity. Keep on keeping on.
