Sunday, February 15, 2015

Vinter Vonder Valentine's Day

Before my initial trip to Norway, my unfortunately naive and unknowing host (he had no idea what he was getting into, offering his time and home to me for a bit) told me that 'there are three types of fjords here (there).  There are fjords, Fjords and FJORDS.'

He was not and is not wrong except for one point.  There are degrees of fjords throughout Norway, yes.  But 'fjords' are no less compelling than 'FJORDS'.  Except in size, they compare in all other components.  And I can say (write) that with utmost confidence because today I snow-shoed across and around a fjord.

On this Valentine's Day, I walked across a body of frozen water which was bolstered on each side by magnificent walls of snow-laden rock, watching the sun set along the western ridge (bank?).

Today I stood, stood, in the middle of a fjord, leaned on a trekking pole, and could not believe the wonder I felt- the marvel, the inspired childlike awe.  I reveled in it.

It was by far one of the most perfect moments I have ever experienced.  For in that moment, I felt all my worry, trouble and distress melt away.  I felt a distinct surge of power and exhilaration overwhelm me, knowing that I was connected in a very real, very fundamental way to this earth, this space, this collision of land and sea and deep-freeze.  I felt at ease- which is not something I often feel... this complete, total ease.

But more than that, there was peace in that ease, grace in that ease, perfection in that ease.  And there is nothing that can compare to that feeling- not even a FJORD. 

And until next time, all of my dear hearts.

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