Saturday, December 31, 2011

Apocalypse... This Year?

It seems unusual that everyone I have spoken to about the upcoming year has had nearly the same sentiment... 'it has to be better than 2011'.... especially considering all of this hullabaloo surrounding the supposed end of the world in oh, say, Decemberish of 2012.  All I can say it that it had better be better than 2011- especially if the whole house is coming down in just under 12 months.  Sometimes I wistfully hope that the Mayans got it right- that the world will change so radically and so soon that we will all be refreshed and renewed by it.  Cleansed by change definitely... cleansed by good change ideally.

Yes- this is me expressing a somewhat ironic hope for the upcoming apocalypse- What's that you say?  Kate?  Happily anticipating the end of the known world?  Who'd a thunk it?

Has 2011 really been that horrid of a year?  I can say definitively yes, absolutely for me.  Probably for many others as well.  But I'm sure there are some people out there that had a banner year of delightful experiences, charming interactions, and happy outcomes.  I'm sure there are people out there who are regretting the end of the year just as there are those of us who are regretting that this 2011 year ever happened at all.

Tonight I am celebrating not the beginning of a new year, but the closure of the previous.  I can't help but think 'it's finally finally over.'  I'm not normally one to wax... at all- profound or otherwise... about the New Year.  In fact, I generally loathe New Years Eve.  In my ever humble and fussy opinion, I think it's a crap holiday and really don't understand the point of it.  This year is both similar and different.  I still think it's a crap holiday- more so this year since I am nursing a lung disease on this most illustrious eve.  But it is a bit more symbolic this of all years.

The end of insanity.  The beginning of transformation.  Again symbolically, but still so significant.  'It's finally finally over.'  And symbolically, profoundly, astoundingly, necessarily- this is the beginning of the cleansing change.  Our spirits, the essences of who we are, the essence of who I am, can be wiped clean.  Tonight I experience a profound amount of introspective anticipation.  I need the symbolism of the ends and beginnings.   They are so important, especially to me, especially now.  It is time to end the year of rotting and desiccating and wraith-like behavior.

So let me begin anew tonight by wishing you all a very happy New Years Eve (if somewhat silly and snarly).  Here's to 2012, my friends.  It could be one helluva year.  I certainly hope it is, BEGINNING TO END.

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