Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Birthday, The Bob

I have long referred to my father as the love of my life.  And he is.  And today is his birthday- so this is for him.

It's lately been a topic of discussion- expectations, ideas.  What to expect from loved ones, what to expect from less than loved ones… what is an expectation to begin with?!?

And here's the deal:

Daughters of great fathers are doomed.

We are doomed for several reasons.  Great fathers create impossible expectations for their daughters.  Great fathers are the guys who come through for you when you desperately need something printed and have no ink left in your printer so leave them a frenic email with sixteen attachments.

Great fathers are the guys who pick up the phone when you are a million miles away from them, stuck on the side of the road with an overheated jeep, and talk to you.  They give you lists that they know you full well will not remember in your state of distress and that you will have to call them back to get the list again, when you are safe and sound.

Great fathers are the guys who pick up the phone when you are a million miles away from them in the other direction, on the side of a different road, with the same jeep- broken down in a different way- and talk to you.  They remind you that it's not a good idea to be standing near the jeep when you are dead weight on a blind curve of I-10 into New Orleans.

Great fathers are the guys who carry you, as a sleeping toddler, from the car to the house.  And who reassure you that he will, indeed, go get Mommy.

Great fathers are the guys who move you every time you ask them to- no matter how far or how much else is happening. They are the guys who google 'futons' because you have no furniture and they want to make sure you can at least have something.  They are the guys who sit with you in the urgent care after falling off a bench, or sit with you in the surgeons office when you need a quick fix on an old ankle injury.

They are the guys who encourage you to be yourself and create your own expectations.  Great fathers teach daughters to pull no punches, command a room, and be bold, terrifying and self-reliant.  They are the guys who love beyond love you.

Great fathers are the ones who make soul-mates and partners and potentials seem impossible (boyfriends seem like boys, not men).  No great father can raise a daughter who doesn't expect the same treatment and care and concern.  And it's impossible.  Because great fathers love daughters the way no other man can.  And daughters of great fathers return that love the way no one else can.

Daughters of Great Fathers are Doomed.

I love you, Daddy.  Happy Birthday.

<<Big kisses and hugs from me and Henry from Windsor, VT. >>

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