Sunday, April 8, 2012

I May Have an Addled Brain

But I have a strong heart.

Well.... I tell myself that- whether or not I tell myself the truth is not up to me to know- it's up to me to believe.

It is a subtle but ultra-important distinction.

I learned this lesson about my crazy-strong heart during my yoga intensive.  My heart space simultaneously contains and exudes such power, such astounding, immense power, that even I run the risk of being overwhelmed by it.  And it is contained within me- the loveliest idea of them all.

Observe the placement of my hand over
my heart during my intensive's closing hoven-
yeah, that's me, the skinny chick to
the off-centered right of the photo.
I often found that meditating into my heart instead of my head made for a considerably more interesting experience- one that consumed all of the negativity in me, leaving room only for love and light and lightness of being.  You see, in yoga the 'hridayakasha' is the chest or heart space.  In Kate it is the uncontained power of my boldly beating heart.  In Kate 'hridayakasha' means love; all-encompassing, astounding, rose-quartz-colored LOVE.

I have long considered myself a 'heart' girl.  When I know something, and I mean TRULY know it, I know it in my heart- not my head.  And while I realise that scientifically that does not count even a little in terms of legitimacy,  I cannot say that I care.

I know what I know.

And I know it always in my heart, always.  Always.

What I cannot put my finger on is why this strikes me in particular on Easter Sunday.  We all know of yogic beliefs and witchcraft practices.  But I suppose any old occasion will do- and Easter, because I was raised Catholic, is more than any old occasion.  It is what it is- whether or not I believe in it.  I remember to believe in my heart.  Every Day.  Including Easter Sunday.

Much love, Friends.

And until next time- Namaste, Hari Aum Tat Sat,
Be good.

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