Wednesday, April 4, 2012


We bought a pink hyacinth the other day.  It's really nothing special.  Just a cheapside, $3.99, pink sweet hyacinth.

But it is now releasing the headiest, most glorious scent you will ever ever smell.  It literally smells like heaven.  Every time I walk past it I am intoxicated.  I am drawn to it, nose first, like a moth to a very bright flame.  A very pink, bright flame.

Why am I sharing this?

Because I can.  Because everyone should smell flowers at least once a day; listen to birds have their chats; play in the dirt- preferably with plants; sit facing the sun (or sit watching the rain form curtains out the window, depending on the weather); take a deep breath.  Everyday everyone should do all of these things- or at least one of them.  Or two.

Until next time.
Cheers Dears.

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