Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Birthday Blog

For the past four years or so, I've made an effort to blog on my father's birthday.

Today is that Day.  Each time I try to outdo my first birthday post.  Last year I think I got sort of close even though it was far more sentimental than it was humorous.  This year, I got The Bob a rather large machete as a gift.*

So let's see about this post, hey?

First of all, I'd like to, on behalf of The Bob, apologize to all of the men in my life.  Get over it…. You are never going to be him.  You are never going to inhabit the space in my heart and soul that he does.  You will never take up the amount of space in my heart and soul that he does.  I will likely never consider any of you as even half the man that he is.

Oops- his bad.

Next up I'd like to go through a wee bit of a photographic rundown- or what I'd like to call 'Evidence the The Bob Can Never Deny Paternity of TheBobsDottir.'

The next apology I will make on behalf of my father is the fact that I am tirelessly challenging and unapologetically (note the irony there) untethered (and note the irony there, too).  I am challenging because he challenged me to be so.  I am untethered because of the freedom gifted to me by my parents (yes both- even though this is The Bob's Birthday Blog, Mom is a pretty formidable counterpart with an equal  - who constantly pushed me to realize the world…. 

That's it. 

They pushed me to realize the world.  

On my beloved father's birthday, instead of wishing him happiness- which I ceaselessly do- I'd instead like to thank him.  I'd like to thank him for my happiness.  I'd like to thank him for my childhood, for my adulthood.  I'd like to thank him for my standards.  I'd like to thank him for the hand he had, and still has, in raising me and shaping who I am- the person I am becoming, the person that I will be, the person into which I am constantly evolving.  

I'd like to thank my father for me.  

And wish him another Most Happy Birthday.  

I love you, Daddy, 

And Until Next Time… 

*I told my boss, who scoffed at the machete idea, that everyone else will get him fantastically awesome gifts (of this I am sure)- meanwhile I am the slightly iconoclastic nutter who he counts on for the ridiculous gifts.  Hence- the machete.

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