Friday, February 1, 2013

A New Obsessions List

With some old favorites... I know I know.. I really AM obsessed.  Totally.  Utterly.  OBSESSED.

So I just discovered Emma Stine's colorful, tasteful, and perfectly sweet website.  And I would love to reward myself for this charming little discovery by getting myself a little something.  Too bad I'm broke like a joke.... like a bad joke.  Reward- cancelled.

Oh Lord.  ARGO.  I don't think I have stopped raving about it's brilliance since seeing it with Mom.  Not only intensely driven, but absolutely wicked one-liners.

I'm not sure that I haven't blogged about this website before, but I dig it (as confirmed by my use of a double negative... booyah).  I especially dig my new board Girl Crushes- to which I should add Florence Welch.  Duh.

This show.  I hated it at first, thought it only irritating, but now I find that Johnny Lee Miller grows on me every time he opens his snarky, deliciously British mouth.  And Lucy Lui sports some wicked duds.

This photo.  Thank you BBC- and all the photographers who added to it.

Also, I should probably give a big shout out to BBC in general.  Their online news is the only I follow. I fell in love with it during my time in China and have remained faithful since.  Their coverage is not only globally aware, it is (to borrow from myself) deliciously British.

Watches.  It's weird, I know.  And I'm sure that my growing obsession with time reveals some deep dark secret about my psyche.  But I'm also sure that my psyche is already deep enough and dark enough without us delving into the provocation provided by the constant tick-tick-ticking of that tiny second-hand.  So let us leave that to another day and another blog.

Despite what it does to my beleaguered system, I drink this tea nearly everyday.

Hmm... I suppose that's enough for now, eh friends?  Until next time, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

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