Most of the time I get words like 'love,' or 'responsibility'. You know, fun things on which to meditate during my practice. Love. Yeah right, I always think 'or lack thereof.' Responsibility. Hm. Same thought runs through my mind... 'or lack thereof.' But neither is here nor there. Sometimes I get really interesting cards, words like obedience. Obedience. I was admittedly a bit huffy until I meditated about 'that word' for a while and finally came to a profound realization that 'obedience' equally applies to yourself as to others, if not slightly moreso. In case the grammar of that last sentence was a bit high handed, let me hash it out a bit further. I owe obedience, first and foremost, to myself. We all do. I owe obedience to nature secondly (depending on your belief systems, you may have a different rank for the first and second). My own essence and then the essence of natural being; one of the many dualities of the universe. Booyah. Then somewhere down the list I owe obedience to a select few people or ideas, but I won't bore you with those details just now.
But what about Surrender? That was my word today. Surrender.
And with staggering profundity, I realized that tomorrow I fly to New Zealand for six weeks to pursue yoga, pleasure, healing, nourishment. I fly to New Zealand for six weeks to surrender myself to nature, to myself, to those beings to which I owe the most obedience. And surrender is exactly what I will do when I am there. In attempting to inhabit myself, find my own unique space, and learn to love it there, I will surrender myself completely.
To anything and everything good. To all those ideas, concepts, people, practices that are good. And I mean good. Simple, perfect, good. I will surrender myself to learning, to teaching, to growth and to rest. REST. It's hardly a term that I use or can apply to myself very often in any sense. I am not by nature restful or at ease resting. And this will be my most difficult surrender. To the time I need to rest so that I may mend.
Anyway, I love you all who read this blog. I am honored that you do. Namaste (the divine in me salutes the divine in you) for that and to you all. I bow to you.
But don't be surprised if you don't get a fresh one for a few weeks because I'm not sure about the Internet connection at an Ashram on the Coromandel Peninsula of the North Island, New Zealand.
Until next time my darlings.