Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bodies in Motion

So this Sir Isaac Newton fellow may have been onto something.  Bodies in motion remain in motion until acted upon by an outside force. First(ish) law of physics.

I am not, by nature, a still person.  Once upon a time I hummed with vitality and power- I was a Newtonian constant- always in motion, always moving, always always alive.  And my oh my, how the times have changed.  For now I am sitting at my parent's kitchen table, nursing a glass of wine and pondering that first law, oh Newton.  And what an important law it is.

You see, I have recently kept myself semi-alive (a kind description of my current state of being) through a series of events (the outside force) that have not only stopped me (remain in motion until acted upon by...) but have literally halted my previously powerful motion so completely that I have to worry whether or not I will ever start moving again.  It strikes me as so odd because I went for a long run today.  The physical motion is there.  It's here in my fingers as I type and remain true to my promise of honesty.  It's here in my foot that keeps bouncing in worried energy.  It's here in the goosebumps that raise on my arms under the kitchen fan.

But it is suspiciously absent otherwise.  The emotional side of me has stilled.  The mental side of me has stilled.  All in some desperate bid to survive against this opposite force.  I know everyone goes through it.  I know that.  But who is really honest about it?  Who really takes the time to expose themselves?

Newton was right.  It takes a powerful, equal force to stop movement so completely.

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