I am indeed obsessed with my birthday month. It has to be said. September is the start of the fall- my favorite season. It is the delicious month when the summer is finally letting go and the sweetness of golden autumn light begins to creep into the days. I am a Libra- so I am especially partial to the late part of the month- but I will take any bit of it.
Holy Bananas. Official obsession (which may become a problem later down the line when I decide that motorcycles are in fact a great mode of transportation) and serious streaming video problem with Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman's travel 'Long Way' documentaries. Brilliantly funny, brilliantly British, and brilliantly executed, these journeys and these men are going to cost me an arm and a leg in Internet overages!
Completely absurd ailments. Yep. Storytime. Yesterday I woke to shards of glass ripping into my throat, an epic ear ache and general health shit-tast-ic-ness. So I roll out to find a walk in clinic (in the middle of the always pouring Anchorage rain) which, naturally, takes far more time than it should. But eventually, after much chagrin and cursing of the weather gods, I am ushered into the back room where they take temperature, blood pressure, etc. After two different thermometers and two rounds of double checking- confirmed. My body temp is only 94 degrees. Consult your survival dictionaries- I have officially dropped low enough to be hypothermic. Crikey.
Bear Tooth Theatrepub. I just love it here... a second-chance movie theatre that serves food and drink and keeps the kids away from the rest of us in an 'alcohol free' balcony zone. It's brilliant. In fact, I may treat my hypothermic and bronchitis-ridden self to World War Z this weekend. Since, you know, sickos can't make it to Denali even though that was the original plan. Nah.. I'm not Bitter at All. (Hack, stupid Alaska).
I remembered how lovely his voice is... and his. And now I can't stop listening to either.
Reconnecting. I've done a lot of that lately for some reason. I realized that I had forgotten how lovely it is to reconnect with someone loved.
Till Next Time...
F*ing Hypothermia?!?
Oh Kate...Brandy warms the cockles of your heart!