So in a throwback, I give you my Halloween Obsessions, past and present, this October.
Hocus Pocus. And scene.
Doing double duty is The Nightmare Before Christmas. It's half Halloween and half Christmas and all good all the time. I know that everyone loves it, I know that everyone knows it; but there's something about 'What's This' that gets me every time.... Disney went dark with this one, but in a way that makes perfectly wonderful sense.
The monsters are all missing
And the nightmares can't be found
And in their place there seems to be
Good feeling all around...
Also eerie, bloody, and sordid enough to make the list the Halloween? Luther. Idris Elba is a miracle of modern filmmaking in this series. His voice is simultaneously lulling and lunging, it's absolutely perfect. And one or two episodes (I'm being brave here) made me hide behind the pillow... the dude in the mask... Cripes.
Witches. Been one for a while...
Dia de los Muertos. I'm desperate to experience this most sacred of celebrations someday. In Oaxaca if I can manage...
Candy corn. Oh my yes. Once a year, every year, this sugary, sweet, tooth-decaying candy hits the shelves and it's like heaven to me. The orange-white-yellow of the classic corn; the orange-green of the Autumn Mix pumpkins. If I could eat this and french fries every day for the rest of my life... I might do it.
They did the Mash.... I mean there's a whole litany of perfect Halloween songs- but this is the top of the tip of the iceberg.
Trick or Treat. Or wine. Every year, after 21 of course, that I was home for Halloween, mom and I would sit out on the front lawn with our next door neighbor. And a bottle of wine. And a basket of candy.
And that's where the magic happened- not the wine- but the front lawn and the candy and the camaraderie. And the kids who still believe in ghosts and ghouls and the things that go bump in the night. That's the crux of my October Halloween Obsessions... the magic and the mystery and maintenance of childhood. And what childhood can keep and hold and bury within us. The sacred traditions that we keep holy even in our innocence.
Ah Halloween- Happy Day to All.