-Or- The Anorexic Decides to Become a Real Girl -
Yes, that is the title, and that is where we are going in this blog. First, let me begin my mentioning that my weird adoration of fairytales has sprung back into the forefront of my mind from the adolescent recesses. It could be a fault of the proliferation of TV series based on retelling of classic tales. It may just be my love of other-worldliness. I mean, come on, I'm a witch who likes to identify alternately with Little Red Riding Hood, Druids, and Wolfs. Seriously seriously stuck in the clouds.
The point is- hence, Pinocchio.
Second, let me get to the big point.
A couple of weeks ago I finally remembered that I am surrounded by the most amazing network of people. People who love me (she types with a tone of wonder and awe). Me. Crotchety, mean, witchy, snarky, sad, sick Kate. ME. And they seem to love me regardless of those aforementioned qualities. My parents, my extended family, my Fairy Godmothers (the Haloed-Triumvirate), my friends. Even though I have defiantly and at times even gleefully starved myself to the point of probable hospitalization over the past year and couple of months. Even though I have yelled, wept, gnashed my teeth and gnawed at the soul of that network. Even though I have brutally and unabashedly alienated everyone at some point and categorically walled myself away at others.
You still love me (she still types with wonder and awe and now gratefulness. Teary-eyed gratefulness).
I don't get it, necessarily, but I have FINALLY accepted it and have allowed myself to be changed by it. This transformation began about two weeks ago (remember that wedding-thingy?), when my entire family gathered and I was struck by witnessing physically the connections between my family members, and my family and myself. I was struck by the fact that I laughed harder than I have laughed in that year and couple of months- that I smiled. Repeatedly. And honestly. And I danced and sang and hugged and loved.
And I was struck by the fact that I wanted to continue laughing; to continue smiling. I want to dance and sing and hug and love everyday for the rest of my decidedly strange life.
So I sat my parents down this past weekend, my parents who deserve medals and potentially benediction for surviving my disease along with me, and said "I'm done. I'm done with all of this. I want to be a real girl again." (Again, hence Pinocchio).
It's not going to be easy or overnight- by any means. We all know that. But at least it has begun- the wooden-hearted girl living in some sub-reality of a half life is beginning to find her flesh again and surface into a whole real-life. In more ways than one.
I love you all. Friends, Fairies, Family. And I am sorry for what I put you through. I am sorry that my pain bled into your lives for so long. But I am so grateful to be loved. You haven't a clue.
Until next time. I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU.