Friday, March 30, 2012

Shut. Them. Down.

No, this is not about the NCAA Tournament.  Although, given my having been raised in ACC-Land and having gone to Chapel Hill, I can see how you might mistake me for that much of a basket ball fan.

Instead, and brace yourselves, I am taking the opportunity to harp on you, once again, about Earth Hour.  Please please please.  Every year, once a year, people around the world unite in their time zones to celebrate the Earth, Mother Nature, Gaia- whatever you want to call it- by turning off their lights for an hour.  Just an hour; and just the lights.  It is a beautiful thing to gift the planet- an hour of rest.  An hour without electric light.  This year's Earth Hour occurs tomorrow (or today, depending) March 31, 2012.

This event means more to me than I can possibly express- even though I do try valiantly every year to do so.  To me it is about more than lights.  The lights are important but the planet is the Star- ya know?  These days seem to be so convoluted, so polluted with danger, distrust, high emotions- polluted with everything physical, mental, and emotional we humans can create.

But when you take this hour, just this hour, to gather with your family or flatmates or whomever and turn the lights off, you return to a sense of the way the world was before.  Before you and me, before the hum of electricity became a constant companion.  Seriously.  Get together some of your cohort tomorrow night.  Turn the lights off, light some candles, and just be.  Be there with each other, enjoying company, enjoying the ritual burn of fire- the soft glow of candlelight vs. the harsh glare of electricity.  Or sit out under the moon and LOOK at the stars- see them!  Embrace the absence of the light- which is not darkness but restorative quietude.

Please Please Please.  Just turn them off.  Just an hour.  And just your lights.

Much love,
Much grace and lightlessness,
Until next time, Friends...

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